• Accelerate Your Wealth With Alternative Investments

    Access professionally vetted commercial real estate investing opportunities.


The Top 10 Mistakes Investors Are Making and How to Avoid Them

Diversify Your Portfolio With Alternative Investments

Get consistent returns in times of market volatility.

Multifamily Investing

Multifamily real estate, such as apartment buildings and duplexes, can be a profitable investment for several reasons. These properties can offer a range of benefits to investors, such as steady income, potential appreciation, economies of scale, and a hedge against inflation.

Self Storage Investing

The self-storage market has acquired a reputation for resilience even during downturns. Economic pessimism or aggregate job losses may result in renters downsizing, or putting off home purchases. With less demand for living space, the demand for lower-cost storage space usually goes up.

SFR Investing

Single-family rentals (SFRs) are known for offering stability, predictability, and consistent returns. They tend to be much less volatile than other investments, such as stocks or mutual funds. Investors can feel confident knowing their investment is less likely to lose value sharply in a short period.

Car Wash Investing

Many investors have found that the car wash industry checks all those boxes. With low initial costs and a short construction time, automated washes can quickly become a passive investment.

Investing in Oil & Gas

Direct asset ownership of oil and gas wells is a favorite for accredited investors. Profit margins basically skyrocket when an abundant oil reserve is found and investors can potentially write off up to 85% of their investment in year one.

Investing in ATMs

Investing in ATMs offers several benefits including a large and growing user base, relative stability of transaction volume, potential for consistent cash flow, and possible returns that outpace other investments. ATMs also offer depreciation-related tax benefits.

Go beyond stocks and bonds.

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Get to know us, understand what you’re investing in, and see if investing with Accelerated Capital is the right fit for you.

Why Invest With Accelerated Capital?

Superior risk-adjusted, tax efficient returns protected from market crises.

Diversify & Strengthen Your Portfolio

We provide investors with a safe alternative to traditional stock and bond markets.

Third-Party Risk Analytics

We incorporate outside investment analysis as part of our stringent due diligence process.

Institutional Grade Investments

Realize above-market risk-adjusted returns with a focus on downside protection.

Aligned Interest

We structure our opportunities with transparent fees and profit distributions that prioritize investors.

Support & Communication

Ongoing support and open communication are the bedrock of our organization.

Lifetime Relationships

We focus on building and maintaining long-term relationships with our investors.

About Accelerated Capital

Transforming alternative investing for independent-minded investors by delivering superior risk-adjusted returns

Time Is Life!

You work hard for your money and now it’s time for your money to work hard for you. If you’re ready to diversify away from traditional investments and delve into the world of alternative investing, you are in the right place.

While you’re busy living your life, we’re hard at work building strategic relationships to bring you pre-vetted, high-yield risk-adjusted opportunities. We take on due diligence and make it easy to invest in asymmetric investments, so you can stop trading your time for money and focus on what matters most.

We believe that everyone deserves to spend time with their family while building a bright financial future. ​We understand that for a busy professional like you, time is limited and investment requires experience, which is why we offer low-risk, high-yielding investment opportunities to preserve and accelerate your capital.

Discover Peace of Mind Investing

Conventional investing and financial advice too often lead to unnecessary risk and underwhelming results. We believe that trust is more important than flash-in-the-pan success. Expertise, fortitude, and the long view produce positive results whereas short-sightedness and trend following do not. We choose to operate without the pressure to accept trade-offs associated with short-term investment horizons and instead seek to optimize outcomes for all stakeholders over the long run. 

We provide exclusive investments combined with financial engineering that generate above-market returns and are protected from market crises by utilizing innovative structures, accurately measuring risk, and sourcing best-in-class asset managers. Our unwavering mission is to provide exceptional investment opportunities that consistently outshine the stock market, generate passive income streams, and are tax-efficient.

Join The Legacy Wealth Collective

Open Doors To Previously Unattainable Opportunity

Our Story

Transforming lives through real estate.

We believe every investor deserves the opportunity to invest in High Quality Investments

We wanted to find investments beyond stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that would grow and protect wealth and found that the best opportunities were offered only to institutional investors and family offices with deep pockets.

Unhappy with this lack of access, we founded Accelerated Capital to enhance the lives of individuals through streamlined access to diverse private-market commercial real estate investments that are disconnected from the volatility of the public markets.

We believe Individual investors deserve access to the same resources and opportunities to grow and preserve their money as the top .01%, so they can break free from the limited options being offered to the general public and that a good partnership is one where everyone wins together.

Our Strategy

Unparalleled Returns With Minimal Downside Exposure

Through our established partnerships with best-in-class operators, we provide our clients with access to carefully underwritten investment opportunities in alternative investments outside of Wall Street. 

As a Private Equity firm, we focus on providing high-yield risk-adjusted investment opportunities by partnering with top-tier operators across a variety of asset classes.

We raise capital from investors who seek safe, secure returns that provide cash flow, equity growth, tax benefits, and diversification outside of conventional financial markets. 

Accelerated Capital helps investors achieve their financial goals

Alternative assets are critical to a strong investment portfolio.

How to Invest With Us

1) Join

Our collective investing power opens doors to new opportunities.

2) Connect

We’ll reach out to learn more about you and your investing goals.

3) Invest

Get exclusive access to vetted opportunities that you can partner with us on.

4) Collect

You’ve invested wisely, and now your earnings are working for you. Well done!

“The first rule of an investment is don’t lose (money). And the second rule of an investment is don’t forget the first rule. And that’s all the rules there are.”

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